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Sunday 20 October 2013

Utah rocks (!)

Utah is widely known for its natural beauty and is thus a very popular destination for many tourists seeking the thrill and uniqueness of the countless national parks of the US west. We have also answered the calling of this stunning and unforgiving nature and made (will still make) many trips to this state. Most people will know or have even visited some of the most visited parks in the US including Arches, Zion or Bryce Canyon National Parks. Some might have traveled here in the winter to try out what is often advertised as "the best snow in the world" on the many ski slopes near Salt Lake City, which was home of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. But, there is so much more in Utah than most of us will realize at first. I will attempt to describe this wondrous place in the following article.

Sunrise over Monument Valley, UT.

Monday 26 August 2013

Praktické informace o práci a vízech v USA (Czech)

Práce a život v zahraničí je pro kohokoliv velkým přínosem, v dnesní době mohou Ceši volně pracovat v mnoha zemích světa, USA ovšem stále zůstává jednou ze složitejších možností. Kdokoliv, kdo nemá v USA Green Card (GC) nebo závislé vízum, na které je možné pracovat, např.: J-2, si v USA musí vyřídit vlastní pracovní vízum. Existuje velké množství pracovních víz a jejich nároky se silně liší podle jednotlivých případů, úrovně vzdělání, praxe, oborů, atd. USA dává pracovní víza především vzdělaným inženýrům, úspěšným vědcům, sportovcům, umělcům/hercům/hudebníkům, modelkám, investorům, bankéřům/ekonomům atd. Existují ale i jiné možnosti. V tomto článku popisuji co nejširší záběr mozností práce v USA.

Monday 11 March 2013

Enchanted in New Mexico

"The Land of Enchantment" vs. "The Land of Entrapment"

After twelve months of living in this this bizarre, wonderful and completely unique world I have decided to share my impressions. One of the shuttle drivers taking people from Santa Fe to the Albuquerque Airport once stated that New Mexico is not really the USA. In fact, it is not Mexico either. This is a very special land with totally different culture, nature and it is a home to everything unexpected. Before I first visited, I was convinced that there was just a desert, few canyons, mad scientists and some strange meth addicts (i.e. the Breaking Bad TV series). Well, I stand corrected. This article is a summary of my impressions of New Mexico from the past year, talking about the place we moved to and completely fell in love with. In this text I will also address many of the misconceptions people have about this "empty flat desert".

Typical New Mexico adobe building style.