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Friday, 7 September 2012

Research internships for students

In the old days, students took unqualified jobs to make some extra money in the summers during their studies. Some would see these as an excuse to travel, work behind a bar on a beach in Spain or be a summer camp counselor in one of the national parks in the USA. More recently, special internships targeted at mostly university students wishing to gain some field-specific experience became very popular. Most common fields for such work have been banking, management consultancy, bussiness, law or IT. These programmes usually organized by private companies then serve not only to give extra work experience for students before they even receive their degrees, but also provide a recruiting pool for the competetive positions in the most prestigious corporations. Not all students however realize that such experience and recruiting can be equally, if not more, important in science and engineering research and develpment. Even fewer students realize that such jobs can even take them on adventure journeys anywhere on the planet! Here is some info about scientific, IT and engineering research internships around the world.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Interview with Prof. Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, DBE, FRS, FRAS is a British astrophysicist. As a postgraduate student in radio astronomy in 1967, she discovered the first radio pulsars with her thesis supervisor Antony Hewish, for which Hewish shared the Nobel Prize in Physics. She has been a major inspiration for me becoming a physicist and I was fortunate enough to meet this wonderful lady and ask her a few questions.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Interview with Prof. Justin Wark, University of Oxford

I had the delightful opportunity to conduct my doctoral research work under some of the most distinguished scientists in the work while at Oxford. My suprvisors were Dr. Gianluca Gregori, Prof. Andrew Jephocoat and Prof. Justin Wark. Justin has had long-lasting relations with Czech science and has covered a very wide range of research and I am happy to intorduce an interview with him in my next blog.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Oxfordský časoprostor - život a výzkum na Oxfordské Univerzitě očima doktoranda (czech)

Mnozí studenti nazývají Oxford a jeho historickou univerzitu “bublinou”, kde se mění vnímání času i prostoru. Někdy mi připadalo, že zde mění zákony fyziky i tok času. Mezi místními studenty i výzkumníky platí heslo "work hard, play hard”, podle něhož po těžké práci přijde tvrdá zábava, což se jen těžko dá skloubit do tradičního 24 hodinového dne. 

Univerzitní knihovna Radcliffe Camera, Oxford.